Saturday, August 21, 2010


Initially I didn't think I'd still be around for COEDSA's orientation, so I didn't sign up to help with anything...but I'm still here! So I decided to go help the orientation. I ended up being on the student panel to share my journey so far with the new incoming phd students.

Two most important thing I can share:
1) Take breaks to do what you enjoy.
2) Research what you REALLY want to do.

When I first began this journey...somewhere along the lines...someone told me I shouldn't REALLY do what I am interested in since I'll get burnt out and lose interest. So I decided on the whole "humor in the classroom" theme. Well, that didn't go very well. My advice, stick to what you really want to research.

Oh, and after speaking, one guy, Jesse, even came up to me after to ask further about my studies and plan. It was nice to know that someone actually cared enough to follow up on what I said. ^__^

As for when I'm leaving to go to Japan, still no date.

Monday, August 16, 2010


So I was suppose to leave on 8/18/10, but that won't be happening anymore. I will be needing my visa so I'm waiting on that. As soon as I get the visa I'll be on my way.

Today I met up with some other Ph.D students for dinner and one of them said that she's planning on graduating in Fall 2011. She said that she'd want me to graduate with her then. Seriously? I don't know if I can do that...I'd have to really concentrate on school and write my dissertation while I collect data. We'll see.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Here's an update. I rewrote my research questions:

Dual Language Education:
Main: What are the mission, purposes, structure, and program characteristics of dual language education in international schools in Japan?
Sub: What are the characteristics of the school setting, features of the program, personnel and participants involved? How is the curriculum and instruction organized?

Within Students' General Education:
Main: What are the essential educational experiences that underlie students' learning within these types of dual language education programs in international schools?
Sub: How do students understand these experiences? What parent processes (i.e., values, goals, behavior) underlie the roles parents play in supporting student learning? How do teachers structure and influence student learning activities in the classroom? What other features of schools appear to support the learning process in these types of schools?

Main: Are there any discrepancies between the schools' mission and values and what students actually experience?
Sub: What meanings do participants (e.g., students, teachers, and parents) attach to those discrepancies?

So, a little birdy named, Fred, told me I don't need my Visa. muahahaha. So, I booked my flight and getting ready to leave for Japan. (Fred is a made up character in my world.) I've been saying my goodbyes and slowly packing, while attempting to rewrite my first chapter.

I also got my first scholarship check in the mail today! $10,000 to my name! I'm excited.