Thursday, October 28, 2010


WoW! It's been over a month since my last update? Time flies when you're having fun. Oops, did I just mention fun on my "boring blog"?

Anyways, here goes the update.

I have made my 100 hours in the classroom mark. Yes, I have observed this one class for over 100 hours. WoW. I wrote up my report and have yet to hear back from my advisor, but the teachers and headmaster at the school have read my report. They had some concerns so I was pulled into the office once again. Basically, the headmaster was a bit concerned about the things I was observing because it "shouldn't" be how I explained it. *shrugs* I mean, I wrote what I saw...what can I say? Hopefully things will work itself out soon.

Oh, and why have I been busy? after events after events, perhaps. So I had my University of Tokyo Graduate School of Education's Foreign Student Overnight School Trip. Then I participated in Nikkei Youth Exchange (NYN) Summit Japan 2010, which was also an overnight event. Then I participated in a Foreign Student Cultural Experience Trip that my scholarship sponsored. *whew*

As for University of Tokyo, it's been awesome. I got accepted into the Japanese language program. So along side all my data collection, reading, and writing, I can work on improving my Japanese as well. This is a total bonus since I really wasn't planning on taking a class.

All-n-all, I'm loving my time here. Too bad I didn't think ahead and ask for the 2 year scholarship rather than just 1 year. I guess after I graduate, I can always come back to Japan. ^__^

1 comment:

sojufied said...

About time there's an update! LoL